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Ice Cream & Candidates!

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Meet the Beach Candidates Oct. 6th!

Our brush with Hurricane Helene last week reminded us that we are indeed a community at the Beach. Neighbors helping neighbors clear debris, sharing coffee, and talking with relief about near misses --- regardless of their yard signs or political persuasion. It also

underscored the importance of local voting and electing leaders responsive to the needs of our three Beaches communities. We have some hard-fought local races on the ballot in November including three mayoral races and five city council seats. We will also select a U.S. Congress member in District 5 and a Florida House representative in District 16. Join us on Sunday, October 6th, and meet the candidates vying for your vote at the Beach. BAM is hosting an Ice Cream Social & Beaches Candidate Fair from 4 - 6 p.m. at the Gail Baker Community Center - Donner Park (2072 George Street, Atlantic Beach). All the candidates on the ballot at the Beach have been invited to participate. Our goal is to give voters an opportunity to meet one-on-one with those seeking election --- no speeches or debates, just conversations about the issues that matter to you and how the candidates plan to address them. The League of Women Voters - FL First Coast will also be on hand to help you check your voting status, request a vote-by-mail ballot, or learn more about other races and state constitutional amendments on the November ballot. Community partners, including Moms Demand Action, will share voting information and resources. We'll have drawings for great gift baskets and lots of ice cream! Bring a donation of student supplies for our local schools (wish list) and join us for this old-fashioned community gathering!  And email us if you'd like to help at the event --- volunteers are always needed and appreciated!

36 Days To Go. Help GOTV

  • We've made more than 1,000 phone calls to date in our Saturday Brunch-Time Phone

    Bank! Help us double that number in the month we have left!  Join the BAM & the

    Beaches DEMS as we call Duval Democrats and urge them to make a plan to vote for Harris/Walz. Training starts at 11:00 a.m. and we get down to it from 11:15 to 12:30 p.m. Fun guaranteed! Click here to register.

  • Canvass at the Beach! Join the Beaches Democratic Club, Beaches Activists Movement, and all of our like-minded friends EVERY WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY until the election as we focus on 2,000 'cool' dems --- aka sporadic voters --- who may need a little help Making a Plan to Vote. Our fantastic door hangers will tell them all the candidates, amendment positions, judges - so they can vote the full slate and keep Duval Blueval!! Click on the day to sign up, find times & locations & get training.

  • Neighbor 2 Neighbor: Meet your neighbors and get-out-the-vote at the same time with Indivisible's relational organizing effort, Neighbor 2 Neighbor. Click here to get a list of voters near you who share your views and priorities!

  • Flip House District 16: Canvass for Rachel Grage! Sign-up to knock on doors in neighborhoods throughout her district here.

Vote-by-Mail Ballots are Out

Vote-by-Mail ballots were mailed by the Duval Supervisor of Elections Office last week --- look for one in your mailbox soon if you have not already received yours. Expect a lengthy ballot! Races run the gamut from U.S. President to Soil & Water District Supervisor. There are six proposed amendments to the state constitution and a host of judges up for retention votes. Beach voters will also elect mayors and city council members and weigh in on Atlantic and Jacksonville Beach charter amendments. Voting the entire ballot is critical in 2024! Check out our updated 2024 Election Guide --- including a special page on Beach races --- fill out and return your ballot right away. You can also drop off your completed ballot at the polls during Early Voting from October 21 through November 3. Find video instructions here. You can still request a VBM ballot online or by calling the SOE office (904-255-8683). Remember, if you decide to vote in person instead, just bring your VBM ballot to the polls with you and turn it in.

Mark Your Calendar!

Don't Forget to Tune In on Tuesday!

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Only 36 days until the 2024 election!

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