Complicity and False Equivalency
We were gobsmacked by Nate Monroe's revelation last weekend about the collusion of the Florida Association of Broadcasters (FAB) and the DeSantis administration. The group is subsidizing a purported public service ad campaign by state agencies to allay fears about Florida's current 6-week abortion ban, despite growing concern by physicians about the ban's impact on women and healthcare providers. The timing of the campaign is no coincidence. It dovetails perfectly with ads that stoke fear and disseminate lies about Amendment 4, the proposed ballot measure to restore abortion rights in the state. DeSantis has pulled out all the stops in his attempts to defeat Amendment 4, and now broadcast media is abetting the effort. Allowing the state to use FAB's public service advertising program for political aims crosses the line, and is yet another example of how the media has failed voters in the 2024 campaign. In the name of objectivity, the national, state, and local press too often presents a false equivalency between candidates and their positions that threatens the basic principles of our democracy. We're also seeing an imbalance in perspectives on opinion pages --- yesterday's Times-Union featured a 3/4 page one-sided piece on Amendment 4 by a spiritualist. If you agree the media needs to do a better job, here are some ways you can speak out:
Tell the Florida Association of Broadcasters what you think about their support of Governor DeSantis's campaign to defeat Amendment 4. Representatives from local stations -- WJXT and CBS47/FOX 30 --- sit on its board. Email FAB and local board members here. If your email to the WJXT rep bounces back as ours did, send your feedback to the station using this form.
Write a letter to the editor about candidates and ballot measures you care about! Find our How-To Guide here. 200-300 words is ideal! Submit your letter to the Florida Times-Union at
Sign on to the Media and Democracy Project's initiative to demand pro-democracy coverage of the 2024 election by major media outlets. The advocacy group has developed guidelines for 2024 election coverage, urging a switch in focus from polls and drama to policies, past governance, and behavior.
NEW! 2024 BAM Election Guide
Most voters in Duval County --- including at the Beach --- will find a four-page ballot when they go to the polls in November. Races run the gamut from U.S. President to Soil & Water District Supervisor. There are six proposed amendments to the state constitution and a host of judges up for retention votes. Beach voters will also elect mayors and city council members and weigh in on Atlantic and Jacksonville Beach charter amendments. Voting the entire ballot is critical in 2024! Check out our updated 2024 Election Guide --- including a special page on Beach races --- and make a plan to vote! You can download a copy of your ballot and use the guide to fill it out. Take a copy with you to the polls or use it to complete your Vote-By-Mail ballot when it arrives. Encourage your friends and family to do the same!
Get Involved This Week!
Saturday Brunch-Time Phone Bank: Grab a cup of coffee from the comfort of your home and join the Beaches Dems & BAM as we call Duval Democrats and urge them to make a plan to vote for Harris/Walz. Training starts at 11:00 a.m. and we get down to it from 11:15 to 12:30 p.m. Fun guaranteed! Click here to register.
Get Your Yard Sign: Beaches Democratic Club has 200 Harris/Walz yard signs to distribute at the Beach. Order yours here.
Judges! Amendments! Oh My: Letitia Harmon, Policy & Research Director for Florida Rising, is the guest speaker for the monthly call of the Statewide Indivisible Florida Task Force (SWIFT) on Tuesday, September 24 at 5:30 p.m. Her topic: Choose Your Judges Wisely and Other Tips for Making the Best Down-Ballot Choices. RSVP here.
Neighbor 2 Neighbor: Meet your neighbors and get-out-the-vote at the same time with Indivisible's relational organizing effort, Neighbor 2 Neighbor. Click here to get a list of voters near you who share your views and priorities!
Flip House District 16: Canvass for Rachel Grage! Sign-up to knock on doors in neighborhoods throughout her district here.
Postcard for Amendment 4: We're supporting Jax NOW in a new GOTV effort aimed at voters who signed the petition to get Amendment 4 on the ballot. If you're interested in postcarding, email us. You can also RSVP for an in-person postcard event on October 22.
More Postcards: We'll do our last 1000 postcards to FL voters as part of the Postcards to Swing States project on Tuesday (September 24) at 6:30 p.m. following the rescheduled meeting of the Beaches Democratic Club. Daniel Henry, Duval Dems chair, is the guest speaker.
Save the Date!
