"The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democracy." - John Lewis

Time to Vote and Trust the Process
If you signed up for Vote by Mail you should have your ballot by now. Many of you have already voted and some have already confirmed their votes counted. So have people all across Florida. For an encouraging look at voting so far, check out this fascinating graphic - created using data from the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) and updated regularly.
If you're still working on your ballot, remember BAM's Election 2020 Guide offers information on how & where to vote, and details on candidates & ballot measures.
If you're anxious about how to use your VBM ballot, or if you just need a good laugh, Carol Brady & I have made a short video detailing all the steps from opening the envelope to getting it to the SOE. Remember your choices:
Mail it before October 10 to avoid Post Office worries.
Deliver it any day to the SOE office at 105 E. Monroe St. downtown. There's a dedicated lock-box inside the office during business hours. There's also an "After Hours Dropbox" on the left of the entrance doors to use when the office is closed.
Deposit it in a designated drop box at any early voting location from October 19-November 1.
Track your vote to confirm when it's been counted.
If you plan to vote in person, make your plans now for how you will do that safely. Mask, hand sanitizer, and patience are key. Above all, don't worry as the press details every possible way things could go wrong. The part of this process we can control is showing up at the polls and voting. We are winning. Take heart.
Wednesday October 7, 9 pm - Vice-Presidential Debate
Though many viewers of the first Presidential debate have taken a vow never to watch another, this Wednesday night will be our one chance to see the Vice-Presidential candidates together. Kamala Harris and Mike Pence will square off in Utah in a format broken into nine 10-minute blocks.
Thursday October 8, 7 pm - BAM's Last Meeting Before November 3
The 3 distinguished attorneys who represented the Duval School Board pro bono in their struggle to get the 1/2 Cent Sales Tax on the ballot will address our group via Zoom this week. In addition to the school tax referendum, they will update us on the status of the battle to restore voting rights to Florida's ex-felons, ongoing investigations and restructuring at JEA, and a broad look at other ballot measures we'll decide at the polls next month. Join us for this timely and wide-ranging conversation. All are welcome. RSVP here to get your Zoom link.
Thursday, October 8 - 7 pm - Atlantic Beach Candidate Forum
Too many good choices! Simultaneous with our Thursday night meeting, Beaches Watch will be sponsoring a Zoom Candidate Forum featuring all the candidates running for office in Atlantic Beach. Like BAM, Beaches Watch records their forums, so if you miss one or the other, go back on Friday to view the one you missed.
Express Yourself on Election Security
Now is the time to express yourself - either in Letters to the Editor or emails/phone calls/letters to our elected officials. Here are this week's top options:
Write Rick Scott, Marco Rubio and John Rutherford and ask them explicitly for their pledge to insure the votes of all Americans are counted this election, however long it takes. With the President doing his best to undermine confidence in this election, we need to insist on bipartisan determination to protect the process.
Write Mike Hogan, the Duval Supervisor of Elections and urge him to insure all our poll workers have high quality masks and the sanitizing materials they need to keep themselves and our polling places safe.
Since he first issued his county-wide mask order on June 29, 2020, Lenny Curry has extended it several times - most recently last week for another 30 days. The Mayor deserves our thanks for this live-saving order. And as he considers whether to extend it again at the end of this month, he needs to hear from those of us who believe masks are an important factor in keeping the polls safe this election.
Sign & share this Common Cause petition about protecting the vote.
Weekly Phone- and Text-Banking
In the dwindling time available to us, we are reaching out to thousands of Duval voters every week. Join Wednesday night Text-banking, and/or text-banking on Saturday morning or Sunday afternoons and help deliver every progressive vote to this essential election. Click here for details.
Help the Candidates You Care About
In addition to BAM's weekly phone- and text-banks, individual campaigns are calling, lit dropping, and sign waving many times each week. For events taking place in the upcoming week, check Mobilize for details. If you have a question or need a contact at a campaign you don't see there, write us at beachesactivistmovement@gmail.com and we'll try to connect you.