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Action Alert -Week of October 11

"I give you my word, if I’m elected president, I will marshal the ingenuity and goodwill of this nation to turn division into unity."   - Joe Biden, October 6, 2020

Tuesday, October 13 - Q&A with Ellen Glasser - 7 p.m.

If you're still making up your mind about the Atlantic Beach Mayoral race, incumbent Mayor Ellen Glasser is inviting the public to a Q&A session via Zoom this Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.  All are welcome. RSVP here to get the link.

Wednesday, October 14 - Deegan-Rutherford Debate - 8 p.m.

Tune in Wednesday night at 8 p.m. to see Donna Deegan square off with incumbent Congressman John Rutherford.  The debate will be streamed live by News4Jax. This is the only scheduled face-off between the two candidates. If you're impressed with what you see, share your views with friends, neighbors, and maybe a Letter to the Editor.

Phone Banks Need You!

With just three weeks left before election day, one of the most efficient ways to reach out to Duval voters and help them make a plan to vote is the telephone.  Turnout is the key to victory this November, so if you have time, join a phone bank.  The Duval Dems have a virtual phone bank you can join from home any time you're free from 9 am to 7 pm. And every Saturday & Sunday, Hanna Moore is running Zoom-based group phone banks that are one of the secret treats of this campaign.  Learn more at Dialing for Dems.

Saturday, October 17 - Beaches Lit Drop to Educate New Voters - 9:30 a.m.

The Beaches Democratic Club (BDC) has created slate-card door hangers to help inexperienced voters at the Beaches use their votes effectively.  This Saturday join BDC & Jacksonville Young Democrats at the AB Panera and help deliver these to Jax Beach, Neptune Beach & Atlantic Beach Democrats who need them most. We'll stay masked & distanced. Sign up here.

Saturday, October 17 - "Enough is Enough" Car Caravan

This Saturday national Women's March is calling for "socially distant actions across the country to send an unmistakable message about the fierce opposition to Trump and his agenda, including his attempt to fill Ruth Bader GInsburg's seat." As part of this national effort and in concert with a Gainesville March, Women's March Jacksonville plans a socially distanced car caravan to show support for progressive change. They will start on San Jose Blvd., ride through San Marco and end up at Friendship Fountain. Participants are invited to decorate their cars with signs addressing issues and supporting candidates.  Stay tuned for more details.

Signwaving at Early Voting - Sign Up For Your Shift Now!

The Duval Dems are organizing teams of signwavers/poll greeters at early voting sites across the city from October 19-November 1.  Sign up for your shifts now!

Saturday, October 17 - Spirited Sign waving at JTB and A1A - 10 to noon.

For the past two weekends, BAM members have joined numerous other progressive groups in sign waving around our Beaches area.  Last weekend's event on San Pablo (photo collage below) drew incredible support from passersby - not only lots of supportive honks, but two different gifts of water and a lemonade donation from Starbucks by a woman and her baby.  Come join the fun and express yourself this weekend.  The gathering spot is JTB and A1A just north of the JTB on-ramp. Some signs provided.  Bring your own if possible, along with your mask.

Forward this post! In this final push to Election Day we need everyone's help!

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