Don't Miss Tonight's BAM Meeting
At 7 p.m. tonight BAM will host three of the city's most respected attorneys. Hank Coxe, Audrey Moran and Scott Cairns are the lawyers whose pro bono representation of the Duval School Board helped put the current school tax referendum on our November ballots. They will give us insight into that battle and the school improvements needed. In addition they will discuss the status of voting rights for former felons, the current referendum and ongoing investigations and restructuring at JEA, and discuss other proposed Amendments on this year's ballot.
Given the enthusiastic response to this meeting, we've upgraded our Zoom membership to enable what we hope will be higher quality recording of the event. This means you will be joining a Webinar (rather than a meeting). Join by clicking the link you may already have, but to keep the focus on our speakers, we will mute the microphones & turn off the cameras of all other participants, so don't be surprised when you do not see yourself. We'll still be taking your questions via the Chat box. Come if you can!
Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88318526898?pwd=b0FLZExKWnU3akl6YzJQb1VNMkd5UT09 Passcode: 696686
Weekend Opportunities for Action
This weekend there are plenty of opportunities to push toward victory in November. For reminders about text- and phone-banks, visit the BAM website.
Plus lots of Candidate-specific action:
Sunday Lit drop for Donna - 10 am
Sunday Lit drop for Josh - 9:30 am
And if this week has inspired you to want to make some noise for the Biden-Harris ticket, a range of local groups are organizing another sign-waving event at Beach Boulevard & San Pablo Road on Saturday 10 am to noon. If you've not already seen Carol Brady's account of last week's event, check it out here.
