Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day

By the end of early voting last night, over 55 percent of Duval County voters had already cast their ballots in the 2024 Presidential Election. This includes nearly 140,000 Democrats, 146,000 Republicans, 60,000 NPAs, and 9,000 registered to other parties. More than 7.7 million votes have been cast statewide. Tomorrow --- Tuesday, November 5th --- is Election Day, the last day to vote. If you prefer to vote on Election Day, remember that you must vote at your precinct. Polling locations are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Be prepared and expect long lines. This is what democracy is all about!
This election is predicted to be a nail-biter and turnout is critical. Join us in working to get out every last vote in support of Harris/Walz by signing up for the last two days of Phone-A-Palooza today (Monday, November 4th at 4:30 p.m.) and Election Day (Tuesday, November 5 at 3:30 p.m.). Our mighty phone bank, hosted by BAM and the Beaches Democratic Club, has reached more than 4,600 voters --- and we've had a blast doing it! We'll reach out to voters for the final time and urge them to get to the polls on Tuesday! Participate from the comfort of your own home and help get out the vote! Find info and sign up here.
Urge your family and friends to vote! Whether you have already voted or plan to vote tomorrow, make sure your family and friends vote too! You are a trusted source of encouragement and information. Reach out!
Take a breath: If this election is as close as prognosticators predict, it may take days to know the outcome. The latest polls (Iowa!) give us hope, but November 5th is the only poll that counts. To help allay anxiety and prepare for all possible outcomes, national Indivisible is hosting pre-election and post-election calls today (Monday, November 4 at 3 p.m.) and Wednesday, November 6 at 8:30 p.m. Click for more info and to register.
And finally, fight disinformation: Election officials across the country have put in place multiple safeguards to make sure every vote is counted in this election. That won't prevent the GOP, their presidential candidate, and foreign adversaries from spreading lies and disinformation about election results. Trump and his supporters are already laying the groundwork to claim fraud and contest the outcome in multiple states. Learn more about the threats and how you can fight back in the Indivisible Truth Brigade's Big Truths webinar on countering post-election disinformation Wednesday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m. Featured speakers are Kelsey Suter, Drive Agency's Director of the Center of Digital Influence, and Tim Chambers, Principal of Dewey Square Group. Register here.