Make This Weekend Count! Let's Win This

Early voting has started and DEMS are lagging in turnout. If we don't vote, we don't win. One hour of your time and talents can make a difference this weekend! Every ripple contributes to a blue wave. Please sign up for one of these opportunities and help get-out-the-vote:
Saturday Brunch Phone Bank Now a Phone-A-Palooza! How do you deal with Election Anxiety? We suggest 'Chop Wood and Carry Water' Do More calls with us! You can do this focused activity from the comfort of your home --- the perfect way to quell the nerves. We have added more sessions this Saturday as well as Monday and Tuesday before the election to GOTV (Get Out the Vote) together. Training at 11 a.m. and then we get down to it at 11:15! Sign up here.
Phonebank Not for You? Text instead! We are adding a break-out room at our Saturday Brunch Phone Bank for texting voters! Sign up here and join us at 11 a.m. on Saturday!
Canvass & Lit Drop at the Beach: Join the Beaches Democratic Club, Beaches Activists Movement, and all of our like-minded friends this SATURDAY & SUNDAY as we focus on 'cool' dems --- aka sporadic voters --- who may need a little nudge getting out to vote. Can't make it this Saturday or Sunday? We'll give you a list of voters to visit on your own time. Contact Hanna for details.
Flip House District 16: Canvass for Rachel Grage! Sign up to knock on doors in neighborhoods throughout her district here. You can also sign up for sign waving at Early Voting sites in her district.
Sign Wave for Harris/Walz: Volunteers are needed this weekend at Early Voting Sites! Contact Veronica Glover at (904) 763-5240 for details.
Duval County Turnout 10.25.2024 10:50 a.m.
Total Ballots Cast (Mail-in + Early Voting) - 135,437
Percent Turnout - 20.8%