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Finding Our Way - July 15, 2024

Writer's picture: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

"There's no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it."

President Joe Biden

Finding Our Way

Violence once again threatens American democracy. Easy access to guns, extreme rhetoric fanned by social media, tribalism, and loss of confidence in government and the institutions that support our country have combined to create an extreme and unacceptable response to differences that should be settled at the ballot box. There are deep fissures in the foundations of our democracy, and repairing them will take our collective resolve. We don't pretend to have all of the answers, but unfortunately, we have been here before. It took continued faith and commitment to democratic processes --- most importantly VOTING --- to overcome political violence and move forward. Voter education and engagement remain the best strategy for achieving our vision and goals for this country. Channel your despair and find a way to get involved. 

Opportunities to Engage & Educate Voters

  • Postcard to Petition Signers: BAM and the Beaches Democratic Club are supporting Jax NOW in a postcarding event on Yes on 4! Super Saturday Day of Action Saturday, July 20th at 4:30 p.m. at Adele Grage Community Center in Atlantic Beach. We are reaching out to potential voters whose petition for the abortion ballot measure was rejected due to a signature mismatch or an issue with their voter registration. Jax NOW will supply the postcards, postage & mailing list. RSVP here.

  • Saturday Brunch Phone-Bank: Starting Saturday, July 20th, join the Beaches Dems & BAM as we call Duval Democrats who are in danger of falling off the voter roles to encourage them to register for Vote-by-Mail and remain active registered voters. New to phone banking? Don’t worry - we are EXPERTS and will train and support you the whole time! We have a great time calling together and when we speak to a voter, helping them organize their plan to vote. We also celebrate together at the end of the session! Get ready to brew the coffee, toast the bagel, and make calls with us before you start your Saturday. RSVP here.

  • Voter Outreach for School Board Races: Public School Defenders Duval County and Families for Strong Public Schools need our help with voter outreach in key School Board races with Moms for Liberty candidates. While the Beaches don't have a School Board race in the 2024 election, the entire board votes on issues that affect us. Sign up here.

  • Over the Fence: Sign up for Neighbor 2 Neighbor and talk to 10 like-minded people who live near you! Contact Nancy Staats if you have questions. N2N, a proven tactic for increasing voter turnout, launched in June.

  • Text Voters: Join the Duval DEMS Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 - 7 p.m. for an online textbank and urge voters to GOTV. No experience needed! Register here.

Sample Ballot for August Now Available

The Duval County Supervisor of Election has posted the sample ballot for the August 20th State Primary and School Board Election. DEMS at the Beach will vote on candidates for U.S. Senator vying to face Rick Scott in November, as well as County and Circuit Court judges. Find your sample ballot here. For information on the primary races and candidates, check out the BAM 2024 Election Guide.

Help Flip State House District 16

If you believe climate changes is real, labor laws to protect children & people working in extreme heat are good, and state government should not fund anti-abortion propaganda, you are being badly represented by Kiyan Michael, our current representative to the Florida House. She voted in favor of terrible bills on these issues, and 4 others that Florida Watch dubbed the 8 worst bills passed in 2024. Let's send a message to Tallahassee - and a new voice who shares our values. To help Rachel Grage reach voters in our area with a different set of priorities. Sign up here to join an upcoming canvas at the Beaches or use the link below to reach out to near neighbors on San Pablo:

  • July 18 - Neptune Beach (rally at 4:30 PM @ Panera - 899 Atlantic)

  • July 20 - San Pablo corridor (rally at 9:30 AM @ Panera - 13201 Atlantic) It's OK to cross the ditch! Elizabeth Sams & Nancy Staats are offering rides. Click here if you want to carpool.

  • July 23 - Jax Beach (rally at 4:30 PM @ Panera - 2104 3rd St South)

  • July 30 - Atlantic Beach (rally at 4:30 PM @ Panera - 899 Atlantic)

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