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Action Alert - October 31, 2022

Writer's picture: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

"We just have to remember, for God’s sake, who we are. We are the United States of America. There is nothing beyond our capacity. And we’re the only nation in the world that has come out of every crisis better than when we went into the crisis. And, folks, we’re going to do it again." -President Joe Biden

Crucial Last Week of Early Voting Starts NOW!

Today's scary Halloween fact: so far in this election, Florida Republicans are out-voting Democrats. If you want to help change that balance, now is the time to take action.

  1. VOTE and be sure all your like-minded friends are voting, too. BAM's Election Guide offers all the info you need to make informed choices. If you're voting by mail, do it now. Drop your ballot at any of these early voting locations. Then track your ballot to be sure it's counted. Or vote in person at any early voting site this week from 7 am to 7 pm. If you're planning on early voting, consider doing it in concert with other Duval progressives on Saturday. See 11/5 Voter Rally headline below.

  2. Make the Case for Sane Governance. Conversations with people we trust are far more persuasive than political ads. And in today's contentious atmosphere, pointing to Democratic achievements is more effective than condemning the other side. For a great primer on why a voter might want to keep the Biden agenda on track, click here.

  3. Help Get Out the Vote! Less than 50% of registered voters traditionally decide Midterm elections. With control of the House & Senate, and issues like abortion rights, civil rights, and elective democracy all on the line, this is one midterm we can't afford to lose. It's vital we do all we can to reach and motivate voters who share our values. Read on & do what you can.

Canvassing This Week

  • Tuesday & Thursday, 11/1 & 3 - Duval Dems Weekday Canvasses. More info & registration here. Join the Duval Dems in canvassing key neighborhoods for the Democratic ticket. Don't have canvassing experience? No worries! Training is offered at the start of each event.

  • Saturday & Sunday, 11/5&6 Duval Neighborhood Canvassing. Just like the event above - but on the weekend. ;-) More info & registration here.

  • Saturday & Sunday - Canvassing at Jacksonville U. BlueShift Florida is leading canvasses to support Demings & Crist in the final days of early voting. Multiple events both days. Click here for more info & registration.

  • Sunday, 11/6 - Southside Community Canvass 3-5 PM. Join Duval Dems in targeting City Council District 11 - an area with a lot of new Dems. Meet up at the Coffee Grinder (9834 Old Baymeadows Rd.) Click here to sign up.

  • Beaches Canvassing. Thanks to everyone who has helped our friends at Beaches Democratic Club canvass our area - handing out excellent slate information & reminding folks to vote. A few turfs & literature are left. If you're interested in grabbing a friend and reaching a few of these remaining households, email Hanna Moore.

Texting - Thursday, 11/3 @ 6 PM

If walking door to door isn’t for you, get the satisfaction of reaching thousands of voters from the comfort of your own home. We'll be reaching out to registered Democrats who have not voted yet to remind them of the election and give them the information they need on candidates - and where and when to vote. Training is quick & easy. You’ll be sending pre-programmed messages using a tool that does not engage your personal phone. And the Zoom company of other participants is an informative pleasure.

Special bonus: This Thursday, Beaches Dems will be joining this text bank to reach out to our Democratic Beaches neighbors who've not yet voted. Click here to register. And while you're there, consider pitching in on Monday, Nov 7 as well.

GOTV Phonebanking

  • Thursday 11/3, 3-5 PM - NW Virtual Phone Bank. Florida Dems & BlueShift Florida are hosting a GOTV phone bank you can join from home. Training provided. Register here.

  • Thursday 11/3, 6:30-8 PM - ACLU Virtual Phone bank. Our local ACLU is reaching out to their members & volunteers in Duval to make sure they vote. The phone bank will be engineered and directed via Zoom, so this is one you can take part in from home. Click here to register & learn more.

Signwaving At the Polls

Given all the work groups like ours are putting into getting people to the polls, it's important to ensure that, once there, voters have the information they need to actually vote. That's why the Duval Dems are recruiting sign waivers across the county to wave signs promoting Democratic candidates and pass out literature to voters.

Click here to RSVP for one or more shifts from now through Election Day. Then plan to come to Duval Dems HQ (3120 Beach Blvd) during the following hours to pick up your yard signs.

• Monday, 12pm to 4pm

• Wednesday, 12pm to 4pm

• Thursday, 12pm to 4pm

Friday, 11/4 - Val Demings GOTV Rally 6:30-8 PM

Chief Val Demings is fighting to end gun violence, protect a woman’s right to choose, and make life more affordable for Floridians! Right now, she's traveling across the state to encourage supporters to help get out the vote on November 4th. Join the Chief and her team for a Jacksonville GOTV rally, where we’ll celebrate her campaign and hear more about the amazing work she’ll do as United States Senator. Click here to register.

Saturday, 11/5 - Voter Rally & March Together to Early Voting!

Combine early voting with a chance to speak out for all that's at stake in this Midterm election. Join Jacksonville NOW and many other groups as we rally and then march together from the Duval County Courthouse to the Prime Osborne Convention Center to participate in early voting there.

This Week's Top News

Forward this to a friend! Every Vote Counts!

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