“The only thing that can stop a bad politician with a vote is a good citizen with a vote.”
- Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson

Uvalde - When Will We Stop Killing Our Children?
Our friends at Mandarin Indivisible put it beautifully: "Once again we are facing this same call to action, even as our hearts are breaking...Holding the House and expanding Democratic seats in the Senate during the midterm election is the only way forward - please don't sit on the sidelines." Here are just a few of the actions we recommend in the fight for sane and effective gun control:
Saturday, June 4 - WEAR ORANGE Rally - 10 am-noon. Success Park. Join our local

chapter of Moms Demand Action & a host of other groups to demand change.
If you’d rather donate than volunteer, Moms Demand recommends Everytown for Gun Safety
March for Our Lives is planning nationwide demonstrations on Saturday, June 11. Save the date & look for local details in next week's Alert.
If you've not already done it, write or call our Senators demanding they support a speedy vote on HR8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021. Let them know if they continue putting guns ahead of the safety of children we will work tirelessly to replace them.
Speak out to our community! Letters to the Editor can change minds - and votes. Both the Times Union and Beaches Leader are hungry for reader commentary. Write from your heart - or adapt from these sources:
This damning editorial from The Guardian
A Florida man's heartbreaking database of school shootings
Learn which of our Senators is #6 in donations from the NRA
Tuesday, May 31 - Candidate Forum 6-8 PM
Turn out tonight for a rare opportunity to meet candidates running for a wide range of offices in Duval County and statewide.

Wednesday, June 1: How to Prep for Hurricane Season
Hurricane season begins this week. Are you ready? Want to know how our beach Emergency Operation Centers have prepared and what you can do to help yourself and your family? Join Beaches Watch on Wednesday, June 1 in the Beaches Branch Public Library, 600 Third Street, Neptune Beach, FL. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and adjourn at 8 p.m.
Guest speakers will include Jacksonville Beach Fire Marshal Steve Sciotto, Police Chief Richard Pike, and Police Chief Vic Gualillo, who will share updates how the beach cities have prepared for the 2022 hurricane season. Longtime insurance agent (and former Jacksonville City Councilman) Jim Love will join the panel to share practical information about insurance preparedness. No registration required.
This Week's Top Ways to Act
Whether you have an hour or a day - there are plenty of ways to get energized and involved in the groundwork needed to win the 2022 midterms!
Poll Watcher Briefing. Given all of the GOP's efforts to suppress the vote, poll watchers will play a critical role in 2022. Join volunteers from across Duval on Tuesday, May 31 at 6 pm for a Zoom briefing on how to be a poll watcher. Register here.
Happy Hour Canvassing at the Beach. Join the Beaches Democratic Club on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:45 - 6 p.m. to knock on doors encouraging GOTV and support for School Board candidate Elizabeth Andersen. Ten houses, one hour & a happy hour celebration! Text Hanna Moore @ 904-999-8515 for details!
Text-out for the Mid-Terms. The Duval DEMS are building a texting team for 2022! Join them on from the comfort of your own home Thursday, June 2 from 6-7 p.m. Text fellow DEMS and remind them that Health, Housing & Justice are at stake in the upcoming elections! Sign up here.
Voter Registration Training. Join the Democratic Women's Information Network

(DWIN) on Saturday, June 4 from 1 - 2:30 p.m. at the IBEW, 966 N. Liberty Street, to learn about the process for registering voters and signing them up for Vote by Mail. Register here.
Community Canvass for Elizabeth Andersen: Duval DEMS are canvassing for School Board candidate Elizabeth Andersen - who faces primary opposition from a Moms for Liberty member - on Sunday, June 5 from 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sign up here. Training provided & rookies welcome!
Be Sure You & Your Friends Are Ready to Vote!
As we register new voters and encourage them to sign up for Vote-by-Mail, it's important to remember the most basic step of all: making sure your own voting status is correct and up to date. Take these simple steps today:
Update Your Signature. If it's been more than 10 years since you registered to vote, now is the time to update it. Use this link for the Florida Online Voter Registration System. Click the "Update" button and print the pre-filled voter registration, sign it and mail it to: Duval Supervisor of Elections, 105 East Monroe St., Jax 32202.
Re-enroll in VBM. The Florida 2021 Legislature changed Vote-by-Mail to require re-enrollment every general elections cycle. This simple change cut the number of Duval Dems registered for VBM in half. Even if you love voting in person, use the convenient online system to sign up for VBM now and give yourself voting options for the 2022 elections.
Remember to check your party registration! You can do that here. There are important primaries coming up and Florida is a closed primary state. Your party registration determines your ability to participate in these crucial votes.
Share this with like-minded friends. Informed, energized voters are the key to creating change here in Florida. Email these tips to at least 6 people you know - and encourage them to do the same. No excuses!
Upcoming Events! Mark Your Calendar
Give No Ground - Nationwide Zoom. Indivisible's strategy for holding Senate control focuses on 7 races. Join activists nationwide and learn the details on Tuesday, June 7 at 8 pm. Register here.
Canine Carnivale Rescheduled AND Relocated. Visit the BAM table at the inaugural Atlantic Beach Canine Carnivale Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Jordan Park, 1671 Frances Avenue. The event was rescheduled due to bad weather. We'll be registering voters, signing folks up for Vote-by-Mail, and gathering signatures for candidates and issue petitions. Come by and test your knowledge of Presidential Pets!
Melanin Market Juneteenth Celebration. Join JAX NOW and other partners in engaging and registering voters at the much-anticipated Melanin Market event returning after a pandemic hiatus. The event will be held from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. along A. Philip Randolph Blvd. on June 18th!
Proud to Say Gay Rally Rescheduled. Say no to hate by joining LGBTQ+ activists on Saturday, June 25 at 3 p.m. in front of the Duval County Courthouse. If you want to help with voter registration, email jaxnowchapter@gmail.com.