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Action Alert - February 6, 2023

Writer's picture: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

“The GOP’s goal is to provoke feelings of outrage, anger, and disgust - to drain our emotional energy and distract us from the important work we must do." - Robert Hubble

Keep Hope Alive

For those of us who thought the Trump presidency was the lowest point American politics could reach it's a continuing shock to watch the bottom keep dropping. While we have much to celebrate about life under a sane President, here in Florida the performative cruelty of our Governor, untamed by a complicit legislature, makes each day's news a challenge. But as lawyer & political commentator Robert Hubble said in a recent post, it's essential not to fall for despair.

We are part of the large and growing universe of voters who denied Republicans their Midterm Red Wave and are fighting for shared values like quality public education, abortion rights, gun control, voting rights and judicial neutrality in every state of the union. Time, demographics, and fundamental justice are on our side. So take pride in knowing we are part of the historic struggle to hold America to its founding promises. Pace yourself. And look below for at least one thing you can do this week to help build the future we want to see.

Tuesday, February 7 - Permitless Carry Hearing

HB 543, which would would allow people who have never passed a background check or fired a gun to carry concealed, loaded guns in public, is on a fast track in Tallahassee. This Tuesday at 2 pm the first legislative committees will meet to consider this bill.

Before tomorrow's hearing, please write or call these committee members and our own House representative, Kiyan Michael. They need to know this dangerous legislation does NOT have the support of most Floridians. If you need talking points, click here.

Decoding the Upcoming City Election

Seventy candidates are running for office in Jacksonville's March 23 Unitary Election - many in voting districts whose boundaries only became official a short while ago. If you're still working to sort out the issues, candidates, and redistricting finale, we have two resources to offer:

Wednesday, 2/8 - DWIN Zoom - Q&A on Unitary Election 7-8:30 PM

Our friends at DWIN (Democratic Women's Information Network) are holding a Zoom meeting featuring Robert Phillips, Chief Elections Officer of the Supervisor of Elections Office. Mr. Phillips will answer a wide-ranging set of voting-related and redistricting questions in advance of our March 21, 2023 Unitary Elections. Register here.

Check Out BAM's Voter Guide

BAM has just published our online guide to the City Election. Click here for a look at who's running for what, the schedule, the redistricting battle that gave us the maps we'll be using, and more.

Thursday, 2/9 - 7 PM - BAM Legislative Briefing: Guns, Education & Abortion Rights

This month's BAM meeting will feature 3 expert speakers: Katie Hathaway of Moms Demand Action will talk about the Permitless Carry bill and other gun safety issues. Dr. Jenn Cowart, founder of Public School Defenders, will provide an update on issues affecting Duval's public schools. And Ginger Mundy, from the Florida League of Women Voters' Reproductive Health & Justice Committee, will cover likely bills affecting Reproductive Rights.

All 3 speakers will provide overviews on upcoming legislation and suggested actions for groups like ours to take. Bring your questions & a friend and join us via Zoom. Click here to RSVP and get the link.

Help Turn Out the Vote for the March 23 Election

Turnout will be the key to victory in the upcoming Unitary Election, but no one is in the habit of voting in March. The leadership we choose will set the tone & direction of city government for at least the next 4 years. Help get the word out about what's at stake:

  • Text out the Vote - If you've never tried it, texting is a great way to gently reach out to voters and give them the information they need. Two sessions are scheduled this or Wednesday, 2/8: 12:30 PM and 6 PM - a final reminder to voters who've not yet updated their Vote by Mail registrations. Click here to register.

  • Register Voters & Renew VBM. Help register voters this Thursday, 2/9 from 3-5:30. DWIN is distributing food, registering voters, and updating Vote by Mails at the Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church (1319 Myrtle Ave.) For more information email DWIN.

  • Weekend Community Canvass - Saturday, 2/11. Meet up at the Coffee Grinder, 9834 Old Baymeadows Rd and get the word out in key neighborhoods. Register here.

This Week's Important Reads

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