"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Some Good News for a Change
Easy as it is to get discouraged by Florida politics, the past weeks offer several reasons to be encouraged.
Nikki Fried's election to head the Florida Democratic Party this weekend puts the only Democrat recently elected to statewide office in charge of revitalizing and rebuilding the blue side of our traditionally purple state. A hopeful sign.
A poll released February 15 shows strong evidence Jacksonville voters are tired of negative politics and excited about Beaches mayoral candidate Donna Deegan, whose call to lead a city that works for everyone has her leading the crowded pack.
Whether you took an interest in Wisconsin's race for Supreme Court Justice, join in the celebrating of the results: Judge Janet Protasiewicz, a "liberal jurist," took a strong majority of the votes. Though the race will go to a runoff later this spring, this is a promising victory already.
This in-depth look at the bipartisan CHIPS Act is a worthy reminder of what can be achieved at the national level when we work together, and why the GOP's focus on the negative is out of step with the majority of Americans and will ultimately lose.
Monday, 2/27 @ 8 PM - Legislative Briefing
The Democratic Women’s Clubs of Florida are hosting a zoom tonight featuring John Harris Maurer, Public Policy Director of Equality Florida. He’ll share his insights into this year’s legislative session - what to expect, and what you can do about it. All are welcome. Click to register.
Jax Unitary Elections - How to Help
Whether you have an hour, a day, or more, there are plenty of ways to get energized and involved in the work that could bring much-needed fresh leadership to Jacksonville this spring.
VOTE - and be sure all your like-minded friends do the same. Turnout in non-presidential elections is always low, and will be the deciding factor in determining who our next Mayor, Property Appraiser, & City Councilors are. For all the background you need, check out our 2023 City Election Guide.
Saturday, March 4 - Canvass at the Beach. Join our friends at Beaches Dems to canvass and leave literature for likely voters about the Jacksonville Municipal Election. We’re reaching out to Democrats that are MOST likely to vote, so getting them the information they need is important. RSVP here to join the team from 10:30 - noon.
Contribute to DWIN's GOTV effort. Our friends at the Democratic Women's Information Network have pledged to reach out via text, postcard & canvassing to at least 30,000 Duval voters to remind them to vote. To donate any amount to that effort, click here.
Show Your Support. If you strongly support anyone on the ballot this election, a yard sign is a great way to speak quietly but effectively to your neighbors. We have a few on hand and can get more. If you want one, email us.
And Come to BAM's March 9 Action Meeting

Join fellow activists on Thursday, March 9 for a night of taking action. We'll be postcarding to the Duval School Board and to our legislators in Tallahassee on several issues. We'll also offer training in both texting and canvassing to reach out to Duval voters whose participation can make or break this critical city election. If you've never texted before, come see how easy it is. If you're interested in canvassing, you'll need a program called Minivan on your phone to follow that part of the program. It's simple to download and easy to use. If you want some advance instruction in Minivan, email us and we'll set up a quick tutorial before next week's meeting. And if technology makes you nuts but you'd still like to canvass, let us know and we'll pair you with a Minivan veteran. Come to the meeting & bring a friend. RSVP here.