We've moved our January meeting up a week - to Thursday, January 7 so we can host a presentation on the Lot J development proposal before City Council meets on January 12th and 14th for what could be a definitive vote on this issue.

There is considerable pressure coming from the Mayor and the Jaguars for a speedy approval of this proposal - and a growing chorus of community groups opposing it.
Because we've had to move quickly, our full roster of speakers is still a work in progress. Representatives from the civic group OurJax will definitely be with us. Others invited include additional opponents, and supporters of the deal. This is a critically important decision for our community. Please plan to join us and bring your questions, comments & interested friends. The meeting will begin at 7 pm on Thursday, January 7 via zoom. Click here to RSVP and get your Zoom link.
For links to more information on Lot J & ways to take action (eg NAACP petition opposing the development), visit our Get Involved page on the BAM website.