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Docs: GOP Convention Plans "Medically Disrespectful"

Citing concerns about adversely impacting the health of Jacksonville citizens, more than 200 doctors signed a letter to Mayor Lenny Curry and the Jax City Council calling current GOP convention plans "medically disrespectful."

The practitioners noted "It is extremely dangerous and contrary to current public health recommendations to stage a large event in an area where the number of cases is surging."

They urged city leaders to postpone the event or significantly reduce numbers to reduce risks.

"In addition, Jacksonville should follow the leads of Miami, Tampa, Orlando, and other cities in Florida, along with Texas and California, in immediately (before a convention) mandating the use of masks and social distancing."

Drs. Nancy Staats, Carl Burak and Alan Halperin, who led efforts to organize a response by physicians to convention plans, were featured speakers at the April BAM Meeting.

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