Drought, heat waves & fires in the west, floods in Europe, and seven successive years of hurricane season starting before the traditional month of June should have grabbed everyone's attention. Now the UN climate report makes the urgency even clearer. Our friends at Mandarin Indivisible have made it easy to take action. Add your own thoughts to the suggested script below and let our representatives in Washington know how important this issue is to you. While you're at it, feel free to mention how disappointed you are Scott & Rubio voted against yesterday's bipartisan Infrastructure bill.
Urgent issues compete for our attention as we struggle for bandwidth in lives that brim with commitments to family, work, and community. Regardless of how we choose to strike that balance, every Democrat must become a climate activist. On Monday, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) issued its Sixth Assessment Report. The report contains sobering and alarming warnings regarding the timeline for slowing and reversing damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions. In short, even if we turn on a dime, we are locked into a 30-year cycle of extreme climate variability caused by past emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases. The IPCC panel of experts concludes that if we fail to act immediately, “the outcome will be continued warming and worsening effects for at least the rest of the century.” - Robert Hubbell, 8/10/21
What YOU Can Do:
Call our legislators AND TELL THEM HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS. If you have children/grandchildren or care about our youth, emphasize that you are concerned for them and their future. Also, while making your calls, please urge our legislators to encourage vaccinations and dispel vaccine misinformation. CALL: Sen. Rubio (202) 224-3041, Jax (904)354-4300, Sen. Scott, (202)
224-5274, Rep. Rutherford, (202) 225-2501, Jax (904) 831-5205
SCRIPT: Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [ZIP]. I'm calling today because I'm very concerned about our climate crisis. The latest report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is sobering and very alarming. I urge [REP/SEN NAME] to work on policies and programs that will face climate change head on, such as:
[Pick 1-3 items below]
supporting legislation that prioritizes renewable energy and associated jobs over fossil fuel based energy (and),
ending new fossil fuel leases on public lands, which should be preserved for the use for all (and),
investigating potential improper behavior by political appointees to silence climate change scientists and their research.