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Action Alert - Week of September 7

Writer's picture: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

Unions did in fact build the middle class. And here’s what that did. That built the United States of America as we know it.                          - Joe Biden

Tuesday 9/8+ Duval Voter Suppression Protests

A number of progressive groups are collaborating this week to urge Duval Supervisor of Elections Mike Hogan to implement important reforms needed for the November election. Both the reforms and potential actions are detailed in a separate email forwarded to all BAM members this morning. Actions you can take range from phoning in to Melissa Ross's show on this issue at 9 am, to taking a protest shift outside the SOE on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, to emailing the SOE with your concerns.  If you did not receive that email, write to and we'll re-send it.

Tuesday, 9/8 - Back to School with Jill Biden - 4-5 pm

On Tuesday, September 8, former Second Lady, Dr. Jill Biden will host a virtual roundtable conversation on school reopenings in Jacksonville as part of her national “Back-to-School” tour. The roundtable will be moderated by School Board Member Darryl Willie and feature Duval County parents and teachers. Participants will discuss the challenges of distance learning and the recent return to in-person learning. The roundtable will also highlight Joe Biden’s plan to reopen schools safely.  RSVP here.

Thursday, 9/10 Atlantic Bch Candidate Forum

Don't miss our September BAM meeting - and DO invite friends who live in Atlantic Beach. This Thursday night we are hosting a candidate forum featuring most of the candidates running for Mayor and for Commission Seats 2 and 3.  Each candidate will speak - and we will have time for questions from the audience. If time permits we will also discuss the proposed Ballot Measure changing the term of office for AB Mayor from 2 years to 4. We'll convene via Zoom at 7 pm.  To get Zoom details, RSVP here.

Save the US Post Office

If you've been worrying about the Administration's efforts to undermine the US Post Office, now is an excellent time to write our Senators about this issue. The League of Women Voters has a terrific resource page that will give you the information you need to write a good letter.  And once you're done, consider turning your thoughts into a Letter to the Editor as well.

Find Your Job and Do It!

If you're looking for more ways to help make a difference in November, check out the Get Involved page on the BAM website.  We try to update this at least weekly and you'll find links to individual campaigns that need help, as well as details on BAM's weekly Text- and Phone-banks.  Our September postcarding effort is already done - but you can sign up now to help get out the vote in October.  Plus sign-waving, lit drops, and more.

There's lots to do and it all matters.  Help us spread the word by forwarding this post!

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