"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - Barack Obama

Support National Democracy Reform This Week
This week the U.S. House will vote on 3 essential election reform bills. If all are enacted, they will enhance election security from internal and external threats, make voter registration easier and more economical, curtail illegal purges of voter rolls, set federal standards to reduce gerrymandering, curb big donor and dark money corruption, and much more. At a time when voting rights are under assault in many states, including Florida, these national bills are vitally important. Click here for more details and write or call Rutherford today. Fair and honest elections should NOT be a partisan issue.
The FL Legislature Needs Our Help
As the Legislature moves into formal session this week, our elected representatives need to hear from us repeatedly. Of the more than 2,000 bills routinely introduced in a session, only a few hundred will even approach becoming law. As this commentary from the Florida Phoenix indicates, the Session promises "a smelly storm of bad ideas," and a few good ones. To stay up to date on both good & bad bills, sign up for Action Alerts from the Unitarian Universalist Action Network. Their brief, timely emails will let you know when your representatives have important votes pending and how to make a case for/against.
If gun control is a priority for you, our local Moms Demand Action chapter is organizing a Virtual Advocacy Day on March 15. To take part you must sign up here by Monday, March 1. As we learn of other creative advocacy events, we'll pass them on. And if you know of any, please send them to us.
Wed, March 3 - Beaches Watch - Our Schools & Covid
At 7 pm. this Wednesday night, Beaches Watch will host a panel of speakers including School Board Rep Elizabeth Andersen, Principal Dean Ledford (Fletcher High School), Principal Chelsea Matthews (Fletcher Middle School), Principal Kim Gallagher (Atlantic Beach Elementary School), Nicole Gilbert (Fletcher High School teacher). Details on how to join the meeting provided here. All are welcome.
Duval School Name Changes -- Let YOUR Voice Be Heard!
Earlier this year, the Duval School Board voted to rename local schools currently honoring Confederate leaders and men who led violence against Native Americans. As the school name change process moves forward this spring, the ultimate outcome depends on significant input from the community. Our friends at Women's March & Mandarin Indivisible have created this excellent guide to the process - detailing the public hearings and the school board members who need to hear from us. The action starts today. Please weigh in!
What If the Right Candidate for the Job is You?
Florida obviously needs a lot more good progressive candidates. If you've ever considered running yourself, or if you know someone you'd like to help get elected, this weekend offers a useful first step. On March 6 & 7 the Blue Wave Coalition & the Democratic Women's Club of Florida are offering a two-day virtual seminar led by Kevin Winchell, whose training in campaign best practices has helped more than 2000 progressive candidates and campaign managers. Click here for more information.