"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas."
- Shirley Chisholm

BAM Member Survey: What Are Your 2021 Priorities?
We worked hard together in 2020, but BAM's work is far from done. The Biden-Harris Administration deserves our continued support. Here in Florida progressive voices need to be heard both locally and statewide. Please take 5 minutes to help us shape the work we do together in 2021. This quick survey will help us prioritize the issues we focus on, the kinds of activities we pursue, and how much email you want to receive. Let us know what you think! Click here to take the survey.
Tuesday, Feb 23 - 6:30 Zoom with Sen. Audrey Gibson
Join a Zoom conversation at 6:30 pm with State Senator Audrey Gibson hosted by our friends at Mandarin Indivisible. Senator Gibson is Vice Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, almost certain to review SB 484, the DeSantis anti-protest bill. She sits on several other committees where other bills, election suppression/reform bills, educational vouchers for charter and private schools and many more policy areas, will be debated. Click here to RSVP and receive Zoom information.
More Florida Legislative Action
As we discussed at BAM's February meeting, the Florida Legislature is moving bills rapidly through committee in advance of the formal start of the session on March 2. Visit BAM's Get Involved page for several ways to sign up for your own personal legislative alerts and contact information on our elected officials. And consider speaking up on these current issues.
The fast-moving measures to protect companies against Covid lawsuits
Possible repeal of Stand Your Ground
Time for Congress to Act on Covid Relief
As Congress returns from recess this week, the top priority for Congressional Democrats will be passage of President Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid relief package. Polls have shown this measure has the bipartisan support of the American public. Individuals, cities & counties all need this help. Remind our Representative John Rutherford of that fact and urge him to vote yes. Call at 202-225-2501 or email.