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Action Alert - September 27

“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” - Thomas Jefferson

Decisive Week for the Biden Presidency

If Biden's dropping poll numbers are making you nervous, you are in good company. Votes are expected this week in Washington that could significantly help or hurt his administration. Action is expected on the theoretically bipartisan Infrastructure package and its companion Democratic spending bill. (Click here for dated but solid detail on these two measures. Passage of these bills would begin to move major parts of Biden's promised agenda forward, failure to pass them could well stall his presidency.

In addition, Thursday is the deadline to fund the fiscal year that begins October 1 and to raise the debt ceiling. A failure to do both will shut down the government - a move economists predict would be disastrous for the economy.

Our two Senators & Representative Rutherford need to hear from us. Please write or call this week.

Abortion Rights Under Assault in Florida What Can You Do?

Wednesday, 9/29 - JAX NOW - Zoom Discussion of Women’s Reproductive Rights @ 7 pm. The attack on women’s rights goes beyond the proposed abortion ban (HB167). Progress Florida organizer Amy Weintraub will lead a discussion of the new bill, current state funding for fake clinics, the status of the Plan B pill, and more. This event requires pre-registration.

Saturday, 10/2 - Women’s March - Our Body Our Choice 9 AM-1 PM Last week FL Rep Barnaby filed a Texas-style abortion ban for the upcoming FL legislative session to consider. This bill, House Bill 167, threatens the reproductive rights of women, and the ability of ordinary citizens to trust each other.

Women’s March, NOW, BAM and other local groups are joining organizations across the country to speak out against this attack on women’s constitutionally protected right to choose. This is a 3-part event featuring:

  • Car Caravans from different parts of the city (Beaches cars gather at 9:30, K Mart Parking lot)

  • An initial rally at the Courthouse and then

  • A march to City Hall

All events will be masked & distanced. Click here to RSVP or get more info.

Wednesday, 9/29 & October 6 - Duval Dems Text Out the Vote @ 6 p.m.

Send texts from home and help reach the 13,000 Democratic voters moved to inactive status by the SOE. With vital races for Governor, Senate, and a host of legislative & city races coming in 2022, we can’t afford to lose these voters. It's easy & fun. Click here to register.

Thursday, 9/30 - LWV Facebook Live Panel Discussion on Redistricting @ 1 p.m.

The national League of Women Voters will host a discussion on the role of community districting at the local level with leaders from the NAACP, National Congress of American Indians, and APIA Vote who will share information on the work being done to ensure fair and representative maps. Register here.

Thursday, 9/30 - Meet City Council Candidate Tracye Polson @ 6:30 p.m.

Mandarin Indivisible is hosting a Zoom conversation with newly announced candidate Tracye Polson, running for Tommy Hazouri’s former At-large seat in the special election on December 7. RSVP here.

Dr. Polson will also be joining us at BAM's October 14 Zoom meeting, so save that date and bring your questions!

Invite your friends & forward this post!

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