"Hope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. It is an axe you break down doors with in an emergency....To hope is to give yourself to the future - and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.” — Rebecca Solnit
Volunteer To Protect Our Elections
The stakes in the coming midterms are alarmingly high. As we all donate to candidates, put out yard signs & talk to our neighbors, there's another essential function we should all consider: Doing our part to ensure the fairness of the voting system itself.
As this terrifying New York Times video details, voter suppression is only one part of the current threat to the nation's free & fair elections. Since 2020 there has also been a well-organized effort by the GOP to take control of ground-level machinery of local elections: recruiting a new generation of poll workers and election officials dedicated to insuring a particular result rather than a fair reflection of the voters' will.
Duval County badly needs poll workers and training classes are still being offered. Click here to learn more about what's involved and click here to fill out an online application. Once "activated" by the SOE you'll be contacted about signing up for training. Our elections, including 2020, have been fair and legitimate because of the careful work of millions of ordinary Americans. Let's keep them that way.
If you'd prefer to be a partisan Poll Watcher, that involves different training and reporting. To register for that, click here.
Monday, 9/26 @ 4-4:30 PM - Meet Adam Hattersley Democratic Candidate for FL CFO
Thanks to the miracle of Zoom, we all have an opportunity today to meet a stellar candidate for the Florida Cabinet. The role of Chief Financial Officer is a vital one. This is the office charged with the financial security of the state. As CFO, Adam Hattersley will:
Rein in property insurance rates to ensure Floridians won't be priced out of their homes.
Tackle rising rents and the cost of living to help Floridian families get ahead.
Boost transparency so Floridians know where their hard-earned tax dollars are going.
Use this Zoom link to join the conversation this afternoon.
Monday, 9/26 @ 6:30 PM - Atlantic Beach Budget Hearing
Tonight our Atlantic Beach City Commission will vote on the FY 2023 Budget. Review the proposed budget here. You can attend in person at City Hall (800 Seminole Rd) or livestream the meeting here.
Wednesday, 9/28 - January 6 Hearing # 9
Take a break from watching the hurricane news and tune in to this week's installment of the January 6th hearings. This one begins at 1 pm and you can watch it live here.
More Action This Week
Postcard Meet-up - Thursday 9/29 noon-2 pm. Join our friends at Mandarin Indivisible for a postcard gathering aimed at 3000 newly registered Democrats in Duval Districts 5, 6, & 11. Meet at Mandarin Library on Kori Road. Cards & scripts & training will be provided. Please bring postage. Questions? Call or text Karen Droege at 314-393-4396.
Register Voters @ Rivercity Pride Parade on 10/1 & Pride Festival & Cabaret on 10/2. Several progressive groups plan to offer Voter Reg at these two events next weekend. We're still determining if they need our help. If you're interested email us at beachesactivistmovement@gmail.com and we'll keep you in the loop.
Canvass for Democratic Candidates- Sunday, 10/2 - 3:30-5: Remind registered Dems across the county that we have a crucial election coming up and some excellent candidates to support. Bring a friend & rally up at Duval Dems HQ 3120 Beach Blvd. Sign up here.
New Information On Our Judicial Races
If you're one of the many left scratching your head over the judicial races on the ballot this year, the Florida Bar is now offering some potentially helpful information. Here's their basic background on the various types of judicial race and the candidates running. Each election year the Bar also conducts a poll which gives practicing attorneys across the state a chance to weigh in on whether currently serving justices deserve to continue in that role. Find the results of this year's merit retention poll here.