"Seek out experiences of collective joy, collective pain, collective effervescence. Then you see hope in each other's eyes.” - Brene Brown
"We Need to Talk About the Elephant in the Womb"
This quote from one of scores of creative protest signs at Saturday's rally captures the wit and energy of the event. For more, check out this short video.
More than 40 cars from the Beaches caravaned to the rally together, joining a big crowd here in Jacksonville and more than 600 other gatherings across the nation to show our elected officials the strength of public support for preserving abortion rights. Next steps:
Write your Florida representatives opposing HB 167.
Write your DC reps urging support for the Women's Health Protection Act.
Get more details & suggested scripts on BAM's website under the heading Reproductive Justice.
Wednesday October 6 - Mayport Update and/or Text Out the Vote
6-7 PM. Duval Dems Text Out the Vote. The December 7 special election to fill Tommy Hazouri's JAX City Council seat is fast approaching and turnout will be key to victory. Help reach out to Democratic voters by texting from home. Training provided. More info here.
7-8 PM. Beaches Watch Panel on Mayport Village Revitalization. Speakers include Alyce Decker, Rory Diamond, Bill Guilford, and Rich Redick. More details here.
Thursday, October 7 - 6:30 pm Zoom with Nikki Fried
Agriculture Secretary Nikki Fried is one of the leading candidates running to replace Governor Ron DeSantis next year. This week the St. John's Democratic Party and the St. Johns Environmental Caucus are jointly sponsoring a Zoom conversation with Ms. Fried - one of several they plan to hold with the candidates. Thanks to the magic of Zoom, anyone can join. Click here to register.
Friday, October 8 - 12-2 pm. Reactivate Inactive Voters!
The Duval Dems are holding a virtual phone bank making calls to local Democrats recently moved to inactive voter status. Volunteers are needed to call and connect them with the Supervisor of Elections office to update their registration information, help them request a mail ballot (VBM), and put them back into active status. Training provided. Sign up here.
Saturday, October 9 - 7-8pm. Mission House Virtual Fundraiser
If you attended BAM's May meeting, you know Mission House is a critical part of our region's safety networking daily to break the cycle of homelessness in our community. This Saturday night at 7 pm, WJXT/News4Jax and www.news4jax.com will broadcast Mission Possible: A Community Unites - a fundraiser intended to fund expenses for 20 households for a year. To learn more, make a donation, or buy raffle tickets for items like a Pelonton or Hamilton tickets, click here.
COAB Survey, JAX Redistricting & At-Large Election
The City of Atlantic Beach is inviting us to help shape a vision of what AB could be in 2040. Share your thoughts by completing the City of Atlantic Beach 2040 VISION Citizen Questionnaire by Oct. 20, 2021. For more on the City’s visioning process click here.
The latest redistricting news for Duval looks grim for Dems.
Our friends at JAX NOW are preparing questionnaires for the 4 candidates running to fill Tommy Hazouri's At-large Council seat. If you have questions about local governance you'd like answered before you vote, click here to volunteer to assist in this process.
Help us grow BAM's membership. Forward this post to friends or invite them to our next meeting on October 14.