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Action Alert - October 18

Writer's picture: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

"Without meaning to dismiss the gravity of the threats posed by Trump and the anti-democratic GOP, the answer to the GOP’s slow-rolling coup is blazingly simple: Get more people to vote." - Robert Hubbell

Tracye Polson's Conversation with BAM

If you couldn't attend our meeting last Thursday, you missed an impressive dialogue with Dr. Tracye Polson, Democratic candidate for Tommy Hazouri's At-Large City Council seat. Sadly, we don't have a video of the meeting to offer, but minutes of the meeting provide an overview of her remarks. To hear her directly and ask your own questions, save the date for her Virtual Town Hall online at 7 pm on Wednesday, October 27.

As Dr. Polson emphasized, it's a massive job to reach out to the voters of Duval's 199 precincts between now and election day on December 7. If you support her candidacy, alert friends & family to the importance of this upcoming vote. The link above has a full listing of other volunteer opportunities. And if you want a yard sign, let us know.

Support National Voting Rights Reform

Republicans at both the state & national level are working hard to make it more difficult to "get more people to vote." As the Senate prepares to vote this week on at least one of the voting reform acts passed by the House, Heather Cox Richardson offers an excellent primer on what's at stake and what these bills could do to protect our democracy.

The Senate is due to vote on the Freedom to Vote act on Wednesday, October 20. Before then, learn the facts & call or email our Senators. They work for us.

This Week's Calendar of Local Events

- Tuesday, October 19 - Beaches Democratic Club- 7pm

Celebrate LGBTQ History Month with Equality Florida's North Florida Development Officer Jimmy Midyette discussing the latest progress and challenges for LGBTQ rights. Register here.

- Tuesday, October 19 - Mandarin Indivisible - 7:30 pm Former Duval Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland (running for that role again in 2023) will discuss how last year's election law changes will affect Duval county & our volunteer field activities. RSVP for Zoom link.

- Friday, October 22&23 - BEAM Annual Fundraiser

The annual BEAM of Light Beach Ball will take place this Saturday night at TPC Sawgrass Clubhouse from 7-11 PM. Knowing Covid precautions are still keeping many people out of crowded rooms, BEAM has also created a Virtual Silent Auction which will go live 9 am on Friday morning - through 10 PM Saturday. Learn more here.

Take a Survey & Save a Manatee (and more)

Deadline for action: October 22, 5 pm.

The Sierra Club & a host of other environmental groups are urging citizens to speak up via a survey being conducted by the St. Johns River Water Management District on whether or not to eliminate the Rodman/Kirkpatrick Dam and restore the Ocklawaha River.

The dam destroyed thousands of acres of forested wetlands and 20 springs. Eliminating it would restore a free flowing river for fish, boaters & manatees. Click here to learn more, then take the survey.

Phone-bank to Get Out the Vote in Virginia

Pundits and anxious progressives across the country are looking at Virginia's November 2nd election as an important predictor of what the 2022 elections may hold nationwide. Virginia is considered a Blue state, but recent polls show close races for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and control of the VA House of Delegates. To help get out the vote in VA, join the DNC's virtual phonebank any Tuesday or Thursday between now and Nov 2 from 3-6 pm. Click here to register.

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