Take 'Em Down Urges Immediate Action
Take ‘Em Down Jax, a coalition of community groups and social justice advocates, is calling

for immediate action by the City Council and Mayor before the 2024 Legislature considers a proposed bill criminalizing monument removal by local communities. Filed by State Representative Dean Black (R-Jacksonville), HB 395 protects historical monuments and memorials from removal, damage, or destruction and allows the Governor to remove a local official who removes a monument. Jax Mayor Donna Deegan, a vocal supporter of taking down the monuments, has speculated that she is being targeted by the bill. Eleven monuments located on city property were identified for removal three years ago --- yet, only one has been taken down. The bill is the latest in a series of attempts by GOP lawmakers to capitalize on the politically divisive controversy surrounding the monuments.
Here are some ways you can help push action to remove the monuments:
Write a letter to the editor: email letters to: letters@jacksonville.com.
Speak at City Council: Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall (117 W. Duval St.) and include a public comment period.
Write/Call City Council Members & Mayor Donna Deegan: Click here for city council members' contact info, and here to reach the Mayor's Office.
Join Weekly Picket Lines: Take ‘Em Down Jax organizes protests every Friday from 11:30 to 12:30 in front of City Hall.
Call into 1st Coast Connect & Voice Your Opinion: The public radio show airs Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The phone number is (904) 549-2937.
Ask your friends and family to take action as well.
Learn more about efforts around the removal of Confederate monuments in this report by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Flip the Seat! Help GOTV in FL House District 35

We have a unique opportunity to FLIP a Florida State House Seat (HD 35) in a special election scheduled for January 16th. Democrat Tom Keen, a Navy veteran and businessman, faces GOP candidate Erika Booth, a member of the Osceola County School Board. The seat was vacated by Fred Hawkins, who resigned earlier this year to become president of South Florida State College. Voter turnout in special elections is typically very low, so every conversation you have with a voter can make a significant difference in the outcome of this election. Join Florida Indivisibles in calling voters in more rural parts of the district (Orange and Osceola Counties) who are likely to not get their doors knocked on, to make sure they know about the special election and have a plan to vote. Training will be included at the start of each 2-hour shift. You will be making calls from your own phone, so please bring a phone and a computer/tablet to this Zoom event. Register here for any (or all) of the scheduled phone banks:
Support Local News on #GivingTuesday
NewsMatch, along with a host of local, state, and national donors is providing valuable match support to local public service news organizations this month. Consider donating to two fabulous e-publications that ensure we have the information we need, and hold our elected officials accountable: Jacksonville Today, and the Tributary.
Mark Your Calendar!
