"Worrying about catastrophic outcomes is a waste of energy. Taking action to prevent a possible catastrophe is the best way to change the outcome." - Robert Hubbell

Jacksonville Redistricting Needs You!
Starting this week, the citizens of Jacksonville finally have a chance to ask questions and make suggestions about the voting districts that will control our votes for City Council and School Board for the next decade.
A coalition of local civic groups has created a Citizen's Guide to this year's process - with background information and a set of priority questions and recommendations anyone can use. Read it, share with friends, and plan to attend at least one of the meetings below.

Help Elect Tracye Polson!
If the Governor and Legislature are making you nuts, find hope in our chance to elect a local official who will speak out for our values on the Jacksonville City Council. Tracye Polson believes in transparent government, sane engagement with climate change, and equity for all Jacksonville's citizens. Help turn out votes for her run-off election to At-Large Council Seat 3. We can win this!
Text out the Vote with Duval Dems.
Canvass every Sunday 3-4:30 PM.
Donate to help get her message out.
If you're still assessing the candidates, click here to register for a virtual Candidate Forum tomorrow, Jan 25 6-7PM.
Florida Legislative Updates
Last week's joint zoom meeting of BAM and Mandarin Indivisible offered a sobering but useful overview of the current legislative session. If you missed you, here's the recording. Or if you'd rather read, this recent commentary in the Florida Phoenix gives a scathing overview.
To stay up to date on the action in Tallahassee, sign up for alerts from UUJF that offer details on who to write and what to say on vital issues you support or oppose. For example:
Wednesday, Jan 26 the Senate Health Policy Committee holds hearings on the nomination of Dr. Joseph Ladapo as FL Surgeon General. Click here to oppose this unqualified nominee.
How to Stop Apologizing for Biden
As we consider the first year of the Biden presidency, all of us have our pet gripes about what could have been done better or differently. But a lot of good has been done: 200 million Americans vaccinated, the American Rescue Plan & the badly needed Infrastructure Bill, 6 million new jobs, the lowest child poverty rate in the nation's history, the largest drop in unemployment ever, and much more. That's not a humiliating record.
We can't change the ugliness of today's politics, or the craziness of social media. But if we want to see better outcomes in the midterms than we currently fear, we can prepare ourselves for real conversations with neighbors and friends about what an improvement this administration is over the last. If you're looking for material, Heather Cox Richardson's thoughtful look at Biden's first year in office has plenty.
This Week's Action Calendar
Monday, January 24 - 6-7:30 PM. Duval Dems Virtual General Meeting. Join this Zoom gathering and meet candidate for Sheriff, Lakesha Burton. Click to register.
Monday, January 24 - 8 PM. Democratic Women's Clubs of Florida is hosting Rep Carlos Guillero Smith with this week's Legislative update. Here's Zoom link. Password is 972208.
Saturday, Jan 29 - 9-11 AM. Annual River Blessing by St. Johns Riverkeepers. More info.
Wednesday, Feb 2 - 7-8 PM. Beaches Watch Zoom featuring Scott Dudley of the Florida League of Cities with a legislative briefing on bills of concern to local governments & beach communities. Click for more info & zoom link.
Burgers on the Beach - Postponed! Beaches Democratic Club's picnic and fundraiser originally scheduled for Saturday, Jan 29 has been postponed for Covid safety and will be held in March.