"For American democracy to endure, we must demand that our leaders and candidates uphold the ideals of freedom and adhere to high standards of conduct." - President Jimmy Carter (NYT 1/5/2022)

This Week's Action in Tallahassee
Monday, Jan. 10 - Virtual People's Rally @ 12 pm. This promises to be a challenging Legislative session - with redistricting on the line and politics at a high pitch on a wide range of issues. Today before the session begins, join Duval Reps Angie Nixon & Tracie Davis and other Democratic leaders & progressive groups in this call for affordable housing, humane immigration, affordable health care & quality public education. Register here.
Tuesday, Jan. 11 - Weigh in on FL Redistricting. As you probably know, the Florida Senate's draft maps are relatively fair; the House maps are not. Public outcry can make a difference. Read this excellent overview from All on the Line, the statewide group watchdogging the process. Then submit your public comments before the House Redistricting Committee meets on Tuesday afternoon. Insist the Legislature follow the law.
Wednesday. Jan. 12 - Rally for Reproductive Freedom @ 11 AM. Due to Covid this in-person day of action in Tallahassee has been postponed. Instead, register here and join via zoom to learn about priority bills and what you can do.
Hundreds of bills will be considered in the upcoming weeks. To stay as current as possible, sign up for the UU Justice Florida Action alerts and use their scripts and contact links to speak out on the issues you care about.
Save the Date - Joint Legislative Briefing - January 20 @ 7 pm via Zoom
To learn more about what's happening in Tallahassee and how you can affect it, plan to attend a special joint Zoom meeting this month - the first of several planned collaborations between BAM and Mandarin Indivisible. Legislative speakers will include Lanelle Phillmon, President of the Jacksonville League of Women Voters, Judy Sheklin, and Dr. Nancy Staats. And Tracye Polson will join us with an update on her campaign for At-Large Duval Council Seat, Group #3.
We'll send registration details and more information soon. For now, be aware that BAM will NOT be meeting this week at our usual time. And put next week's joint zoom on your calendar now.
Duval Redistricting - Public Hearings Scheduled!
The City Council's Rules Committee is required by statute to hold at least 3 public hearings before the draft redistricting maps for Duval County go to a final Council vote. Rules Chair Brenda Priestly Jackson has scheduled 4 hearings. While these meetings will be streamed live, only people attending in person will be able to offer public comments & questions on the revised district boundaries which will affect our votes for city offices and school board for the next decade.
BAM is part of a coalition of groups following the process and preparing a master list of questions & suggestions that need to be raised. We will schedule at least one Zoom briefing to review what we've learned and prepare as many interested citizens as possible to attend these hearings and speak up. Email us here if you want to be part of this team. Here are the dates of the hearings:
Thursday, January 27, 2022. Thursday, February 3, 2022 6:00-7:30 pm. 6:00-7:30 pm Ed White HS Auditorium Atlantic Coast H.S. Auditorium 1700 Old Middleburg Rd. N 9735 R.G. Skinner Parkway Jacksonville, FL 32210 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Thursday, February 10, 2022 Thursday, February 17, 2022 6:00-7:30 pm. 6:00-7:30 pm First Coast H.S. Auditorium William M. Raines H.S. Auditorium 590 Duval Station Rd. 3663 Raines Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32218 Jacksonville, FL 32209
More January Calendar Items
Wednesday, January 12 - Beaches Watch State of the Beaches Zoom @ 7 PM. Join the mayors of Atlantic, Neptune & Jacksonville Beach for their annual discussion of issues affecting our beach communities. Click here for details.
Saturday, January 15 - Martin Luther King Day celebration from 11 am- 1 pm @ Seawalk Pavilion, Jax Beach. Sponsored by the Rhonda Martin Cultural Heritage Center, the cities of Atlantic, Neptune & Jacksonville Beach, and others. Click for more info.
Monday, January 17 - Jacksonville MLK Day March. 9 am-1 pm. Join DWIN, the Duval Dems and a host of other progressive groups in this year's march to honor Rev. Martin Luther King's life and leadership. Masks & distancing recommended. Click here to register & get details.
Monday, January 17 - Use MLK Day to Promote Voting Rights. If Covid concerns are keeping you home next week, consider marking the day by writing or calling Senators Rubio & Scott. The Senate is likely to vote on filibuster reform this day in Rev. King's honor. Let them know it's past time to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, the John L. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and the Protecting Our Democracy Act. Remind them, they work for us and the voters of both parties want free and fair elections.
