“We must be the nation we have always been at our best. Optimistic. Hopeful. Forward-looking. A nation that embraces light over darkness, hope over fear, unity over division. Stability over chaos. We must see each other not as enemies, but as fellow Americans.” - Joe Biden, 2023 State of the Union

Monday, 2/13 - Atlantic Beach Charter Review Controversy
Every 8 years Atlantic Beach appoints a committee to review the city's charter and recommend needed updates. At their January 23 meeting, the Atlantic Beach City Commission voted on the makeup of a new Charter Review Committee. Concerns have been raised by former City Commissioner Brittany Norris and others about both the nomination process and the fairness of the resulting committee.
At tonight's meeting, the Commission will consider proposals to revise the newly appointed Charter Review Committee. To weigh in on this important decision, email the full Commission today, or plan to attend tonight's meeting at City Hall, 800 Seminole Rd, AB. Arrive at 6 to request a public comment card if you want to speak.
If You Missed BAM's Legislative Briefing
You missed excellent presentations by 3 very inspiring community activists: Katie Hathaway of Moms Demand Action, Jennifer Cowart, of Public School Defenders, and Ginger Mundy, of the League of Women Voters' Reproductive Rights & Justice Action Team. But you can still catch up. View the recorded meeting here.
In addition, each of our speakers provided a one-page overview of important information & actions you can take. Learn what you can do to oppose Permitless Carry, further erosion of Abortion Rights, and the ongoing assaults on Public Education. If these are issues you care about, download these excellent guides and take at least one of the suggested actions today.
Wednesday, 2/15 - 7-8:30 PM - Mandarin Indivisible
Candidate Showcase
Our friends at Mandarin Indivisible are meeting this week by Zoom to showcase their preferred candidates for city office. As the graphic below shows, many of these are city-wide candidates relevant to Beaches residents as well, especially now that At-Large candidate Charles Garrison has joined the program. Click here to register & receive the Zoom link.

More on the Upcoming Unitary Election
Vote by Mail ballots have begun to arrive at people's homes. If you've not yet renewed your VBM registration, it's not too late. Call the Supervisor of Elections office today at (904) 630-1414 or renew online.
For help wading through the wealth of candidates, check out BAM's 2023 City Election Guide. We are updating this regularly as new information emerges on candidates, forums, & endorsements.
To get more directly involved in helping the candidates you support, consider:
Wednesday Feb 15 - Empower & Engage - 11:30 AM-2:30 PM. Our DWIN partners host an action day at Democratic HQ every Wednesday. Help reach out to voters, educate them on the candidates & issues, and on how their precincts may have shifted under the new map. Join in person at 3120 Beach Blvd, or by Zoom. Click here for more info & registration.
Sunday, Feb 19 - Community Canvass - 3:30-5 PM Join Duval Dems and knock on doors in key neighborhoods to get out the vote for Mayor, Property Appraiser & City Council. Training provided - along with good company. Click here to sign up.
Public Meetings on JAX Resilience
Jacksonville's Chief Resilience Officer, Anne Coglianese, started work here in July 2021. She spent most of last year getting to know the city and exploring the risks we face. Now, in a series of public meetings, she is sharing the data on what the future likely holds for our community and encouraging the public to help shape the city's resiliency strategy. Both meetings this week will begin at 6 PM.
Feb. 13 at the Edward Ball building, 214 N. Hogan St.
Feb 16 at the Southeast Regional Library, 10599 Deerwood Park Blvd.
Protest Duval's Withdrawal from
National Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Since 2009, Duval County has participated in the CDC's Youth RIsk Behavior Survey of Middle School students, a national effort that provides teachers and counselors critical health & wellness data on their students. In response to "grave concerns" expressed by Education Commissioner Manny DIaz, Duval has withdrawn from this year's study. This is another in a long line of Moms4Liberty assaults on basic protections for Florida's students. Though the decision has been taken, you can register your protest by adapting and signing this open letter to the Duval School Board. Or write or call the man directly responsible for this action:
Manny Diaz, Jr., Commissioner of Education
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-0505
Email: Commissioner@fldoe.org