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Action Alert - August 10

"Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world society at peace with itself."       - John Lewis

Priority #1: VOTE Now!

If you've already voted in our August primary via early voting or Vote-by-Mail (VBM), good for you!  But it's too soon to celebrate: less than 10% of eligible votes are in so far.  Be SURE you vote - and urge your friends to do the same. Mail your VBM ballot today or drop it off at the box provided at early voting locations before early voting ends on Sunday. It must be in the SOE's hands before August 18. And if you vote by mail, check the status of your ballot here.

Priority #2: Bring Friends To BAM's Kick-off-to-Victory Zoom - 7 pm Thursday!

November 3 is coming fast - and with it the possibility of a sane adult in the White House and changed leadership in Washington and Tallahassee. Join us for a fun, informative tour of all the ways you can help make that change happen.  Click here for Zoom information. Come at 6:45 for a quick Zoom lesson, or join us at 7 pm this Thursday night.  We can win this!

Write Our Elected Officials

  • More than 525,000 Covid cases & 8,000 Florida deaths. Write Gov DeSantis about the need for a state-wide mask order and effective, timely testing & contact tracing.  If premature school opening bothers you more, write about that.

  • Write Mayor Curry and the JAX City Council about next year's budget. Curry has proposed another large increase in the police budget. Community groups are urging a "People's Budget" that would redeploy money toward needed services they argue would do more to improve life and reduce violence in high crime areas.  The budget hearings are going on now - many on Zoom.  Let them know what you think.

Show Joe Some Love!

Next week Joe Biden will begin the final stage of a campaign most of us believe he must win. It's not enough simply to declare a second Trump term a national disaster.  What are your hopes for a Biden presidency?  Post them on the BAM Facebook page, share your post, and consider sending your thoughts to the Beaches Leader or Times Union.  There's power (and relief) in talking about what we're for - not just against.

Weekly Text- and Phone-banking

Join Wednesday night Text-banking, or Phone-bank on Saturday morning & Sunday afternoons. We're still signing Duval voters up for Vote-by-Mail and reminding them to vote.  Meet other progressives and have expert advice standing by via Zoom as you work.  Click here for details.

Share this alert with your friends! Its time for all hands on deck!

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