"A nation of laws must hold the rich and powerful accountable, even when they hold high office. Especially when they do. To do otherwise is not democracy."
U.S. Congressmember Adam Schiff (D)

Advocates Gather in Tally Today to Oppose Abortion Ban
Groups opposing the latest move by Florida lawmakers to ban abortion will gather in Tallahassee starting today despite efforts by the city to stop the protest.
#Occupy Tally, a grassroots coalition of reproductive health advocates from around the state, planned to stage the protest at Kleman Plaza near the state Capitol. Late last week, the City of Tallahassee revoked the group's permit, and offered up a site at City Hall as an alternative. The permit for the City Hall site was subsequently revoked as well. Organizers say the protest will go on as planned Monday - Wednesday of this week as legislators vote on a bill that will prohibit abortion after six weeks of pregnancy.

Members of BAM and partner organizations testified against the bill, which also includes $25 million in funding for "fake clinics," last week. Check out Dr. Nancy Staats' (pictured here) Tic Tac testimony in this viral TikTok post! The bill is the latest attempt by the legislature and governor to roll back reproductive rights, despite widespread support by a majority of Florida residents.
Check this site for the latest information on the protest. If you can't attend, use this link to take action now by demanding state senators stop the abortion ban!
Moms Demand Action Rally Against Gun Violence
Fed up with kids being shot & killed? Join Moms Demand Action for a pop-up rally before the Duval County School Board meeting Tuesday! Moms Demand Action groups across the nation are rallying for gun safety this week. Jax will be calling for action to address America's gun violence crisis Tuesday 4:30-5:30 pm outside of DCPS. Make a sign and join the rally! Here is the link to RSVP.
The local rally comes on the heels of another school shooting in Tennessee. Undeterred, the Legislature last week further loosened gun restrictions by passing a bill scrapping requirements on concealed weapons, a priority of Gov. Ron DeSantis. Enough is enough!
Groups Aim to Boost Voter Turnout
BAM joined a host of groups from throughout the city this weekend to develop strategies for increasing voter participation in the May 16 city general election, and lay the groundwork for 2024. Organized by the Democratic Women's Information Network (DWIN), the meeting launched a coordinated effort to organize GOTV, communications, volunteers, and events. Top priority is winning the upcoming run-off election for Mayor, Property Appraiser, and six City Council seats. Groups will be working to connect volunteers to help candidates who share our vision for Jacksonville's future. No time to waste! Vote-by-Mail ballots go out this week. Here are some ways you can help:
Get involved with a campaign - candidates need your help contacting voters. They will train you and provide literature. Contact us at beachesactivistsmovement.org or any of the campaigns directly through their websites.
Canvass with Florida Rising - BAM is partnering with Florida Rising to reach out to voters in low turn-out areas. Join us for weekend canvassing - we carpool from the beach! Contact us at beachesactivistmovement.org for more information.
Empower & Engage with DWIN - hosts a weekly in-person/virtual meeting on Wednesdays to re-engage, energize and empower advocates. The sessions, held from 11:30 - 2:30 p.m., include texting and phone banking, and other voter outreach and education activities. Sign up to participate in-person or virtually here.
Check out BAM's updated City Election Guide for more information about candidates on the ballot at the beach!
Mark Your Calendars! Upcoming Events
On Wednesday, April 5 at 7pm, Beaches Watch will host a panel to discuss the Jacksonville Beach height increase referendum that will be on the May 16 ballot. The meeting will be held in the Beaches Branch Public Library, 600 Third Street, Neptune Beach, Florida and is open to the public.
BAM April Membership Meeting is April 13 at 7 p.m. Adele Grage Community Center in Atlantic Beach. Join us and special guests as we work to achieve victory in the city's May 16 general election. We'll also welcome new Board members and celebrate outgoing members! More information to come.
Beaches Democratic Club will host "Burgers at the Beach," its annual fundraiser and beach party April 22 from 1- 4 p.m. at Hanna Park. Tickets are $15 in advance. Find out more here.