Not Normal: Another School Shooting
Last week's fatal shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia is the 417th school shooting since Columbine High School in 1999. A 14-year-old used an assault weapon to kill two students and two teachers, wounding nine others. More than 380,000 children have experienced gun violence at school during this period. And despite GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance's characterization of school shootings as "a fact of life," this is not normal, and we can not allow it to be normalized. School shootings will continue until our elected leaders act to curb the supply of guns and ready access to assault weapons in this country. We must elect candidates who are willing to enact laws that protect our children, not the NRA. There are at least 417 reasons to make your outrage known this week and hold elected representatives accountable:
Demand Your Representatives & Senators Ban Assault Weapons & Pass Ethan's Law for Safe Gun Storage. The Newtown Action Alliance, a grassroots organization formed in 2012 after the school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary where 20 students and six teachers were murdered, offers an easy-to-use letter advocating for action.
Support Gun-Sense Candidates: Everytown for Gun Safety endorses local candidates Rachel Grage, State House Representatives District 16, and LJ Holloway, Congressional House of Representatives District 4. See opportunities to support these candidates below. U.S. Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is backed by the Brady PAC and Giffords, where she formerly served as a senior advisor.
Get Involved! Join and donate to Moms Demand Action. The Florida group actively advocates for federal and state legislation to prevent gun violence and protect children. BAM has a strong partnership with the Beaches chapter - email them to get involved.
GOTV With Neighbor 2 Neighbor!
Meet your neighbors and get-out-the-vote at the same time! Indivisible's relational organizing effort, Neighbor 2 Neighbor is shifting its focus to ensuring neighbors have a plan to vote. If you already signed-up, expect to receive a new script and a new list of 10 neighbors. We've already reached out to more than 6,000 neighbors statewide using this proven strategy. If you are interested in signing up, click here to get a list of voters near you who share your views and priorities! Questions? Email Nancy Staats, BAM N2N coordinator.
More Ways to Save Democracy This Week
Saturday Brunch-Time Phone Bank: Grab a cup of coffee and join the Beaches Dems & BAM as we call Duval Democrats and urge them to make a plan to vote for Harris/Walz. Training starts at 11:00 a.m. and we get down to it from 11:15 to 12:30 p.m. Fun guaranteed! Click here to register.
Flip House District 16: Canvass for Rachel Grage this afternoon (Monday, September 9) in Mt. Pleasant/N. Arlington and Central Arlington, and on Thursday, September 12 in West Arlington/Hidden Hills. RSVP by clicking on location.
Meet LJ Holloway: If you're a neighbor to the north, sign up here to meet LJ Holloway, U.S. House candidate in District 4, in Fernandina Beach on Monday, September 16 at 5 p.m. and learn about her campaign to unseat MAGA Congress member Aaron Bean.
Protect the Vote: Interested in helping to protect the vote in Florida in November? Sign up here to be a poll watcher, ballot cure leader, voter assistance hotline assistant, canvass board observer, and/or volunteer recruiter with the
Support Voter Outreach & Education: A coalition of organizations involved in the Joyful Resistance GOTV Summit last spring is hosting The Truth About Voting: Keeping It Real, a community-based voting education program is holding an outreach event on Wednesday, September 18th at 5:30 p.m. to encourage and motivate Jacksonville residents who may be discouraged, overwhelmed, haven't voted in a long time, not sure if they can vote, have never voted before or don't feel as if their vote will make a difference. The gathering will be held at the Legend's Center on Soutel Drive. Organizers are asking for donations to help purchase gift cards as an incentive to encourage low-income members of the surrounding community to participate. Contact Joy Burgess if you can help.