Giving Thanks
Time to take a break, pause, and appreciate all the reasons we have to be grateful as we head into 2024. Our thanks to:
President Biden for his wisdom, commitment, and meaningful investments in economic recovery, job and wage growth, climate action, social support, public health, foreign relations, strengthening NATO, and a host of other initiatives to make life better for all Americans.
Candidates who run against the odds in gerrymandered districts so voters can have a choice and all candidates and incumbents are held accountable.
All our partners -- Indivisible Mandarin, Jax NOW, Beaches Democratic Club, Democratic Women's Information Network (DWIN), Moms Demand Action, Public School Defenders, Florida Rising, Northside Coalition, Moms Rising, League of Women Voters, to name a few -- for their commitment and willingness to join forces on issues from voting rights and social justice to education and fighting gun violence.
Mayor Donna Deegan for showing us that elections are won by great candidates, a positive message, and an incredible amount of hard work to instill hope in every part of this community.
Jacksonville Young Democrats and other groups focusing on the next generation of voters for reminding us that it is issues, not party, that will garner their support at the polls.
Nate Monroe, Andrew Pantazi, A.G. Garcanski, Jessica Palombo, Anne Schindler, and all the local journalists who keep us informed and hold elected officials accountable.
Tracie Davis and Angie Nixon for never backing down and for being the voice of the voiceless despite being outnumbered and marginalized in the Florida Legislature.
The UAW for mounting one of the most effective strikes in decades, demonstrating the value of organized labor for all workers seeking a living wage and a pathway to the middle class.
Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance, Simon Rosenberg, Jessica Craven, David Pepper, Gabe Fisher, and all the other progressive pundits who provide us with the facts and data we need to fight misinformation and negativity.
Jax NOW (and BAM!) leaders Judy Sheklin and Nancy Staats, and BAM board member Alan Halperin for doggedly working to find "the why" behind the high rejection rate of abortion amendment petitions in Duval County. The outcome will have a profound and widespread impact. Stay tuned.
Everyone who does the work to support free and fair elections -- poll workers, poll watchers, sign-wavers, postcarders, textbankers, petition signers & gatherers, phonebankers, canvassers, ballot curers, voting rights advocates, and VOTERS.
The BAM Board and membership for their support of this organization and their willingness to step up to do what is needed to ensure its continued success.
And last, but not least, everyone who clicks on this email when it lands in their inbox on Monday morning -- thanks for reading, taking action, and sharing this weekly alert with your friends!

Beaches Democratic Club Hosts Nat Glover
The Beaches Democratic Club will host a presentation and book signing by former Sheriff Nat Glover on Tuesday, November 21st at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Expo Hall in Sunshine Park at 2508 S. Beach Pkwy, Jacksonville Beach. Glover, the author of Striving for Justice: A Black Sheriff, transcended segregation and poverty to become the first Black sheriff in Jacksonville and the state of Florida in over 100 years. He is known as one of the nation’s most innovative and highly regarded law enforcement officials, and a champion of education, equal opportunity, and racial harmony. RSVP here.
Mark Your Calendar!
