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Action Alert - May 16, 2022

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"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage." — Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, May 17 - Beaches Democratic Club Update on Redistricting

The Beaches Democratic Club is holding its first in-person meeting since Covid began this Tuesday night at 6:30 at the Beaches Branch Library.

Jacksonville City Council At-Large Group 2 candidate, Joshua Hicks, will explain the current redistricting maps and how we got here. And ACLU of Florida staff attorney, Nicholas Warren, will discuss the latest on the lawsuit filed by civil rights groups challenging the Jacksonville City Council’s newly drawn redistricting maps.

RSVP here! Bring a friend and come early at 6 to socialize and help set up! Face masks are optional and hand sanitizer will be provided.

Wednesday, May 18 - BAM-IM Joint Zoom @ 7 pm Information-packed Meeting You Don't Want to Miss

We have a dynamic double-header of a meeting planned for this month.

First, we'll learn about the mission of Jacksonville's Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation & Empowerment (ICARE). ICARE's 38 Jacksonville faith congregations work together to confront our city officials with evidence of systemic problems and push for specific solutions in the areas of policing, criminal & economic justice, and neighborhood building. Our guest speaker Amanda Nelson is an associate organizer at ICARE.

In the second half of the meeting we'll hear details of Duval-wide plans for victory in the midterms including:

• Voter Registration at large events

• County-wide canvassing of priority precincts starting first week of June

• VBM renewal & new signup push with possible help from Swing Left

• Outreach to persuadable NPAs being identified on a statewide basis

• A plan for rides to the polls managed by Black Voters Matter

• A plan to support the ACLU's efforts to prevent closing of Duval polling places (See related item below.)

Come & bring friends who are wondering what they can do. All are welcome but registration is required. Click here to RSVP and get your Zoom link.

ACLU Petition to Duval SOE: Restore Polling Places at Area Colleges

In the last election the Duval Supervisor of Elections closed polling places at two local colleges - making voting more difficult for the student populations there. Help the ACLU's effort to restore those polling places by signing their petition and sharing the link with friends.

Thursday, May 19 - Effective Messaging Wins Elections

Poll after poll shows the majority of Americas/Floridians do not support extreme GOP policies like banning books or abortions, or removing protections from LGBTQ students. Yet plenty of polls also predict heavy Democratic losses in November.

What's the answer? Obviously getting that majority of like-minded people to the polls this year. And the key to that is messaging that effectively counters the Fox News view of the world with facts and values that motivate and energize people to vote.

Messaging is a key priority for BAM and our Duval coalition partners at the Win Elections Network (WEN). For an excellent primer on the issues that motivate Floridians most - and how to most effectively communicate on issues like affordable housing, reproductive rights, or jobs and the economy, join WEN's Zoom meeting Thursday night from 7-9 pm. Here's the zoom link:

Join Us This Saturday at the Canine Carnivale!

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Mid-terms are winnable if we act now!

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