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Action Alert - January 17

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK Day Call to Action

On this day set aside to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, the King family has called for no public celebrations of his life and example until the John L Lewis Voting Rights Act is passed by both the US House and Senate.

Rather than write or call Scott & Rubio again on this issue let's all take heart from this creative video - a compilation of personal pleas to Senator Rubio created by Indivisible members here in Duval. Share it with friends and social media groups.

Then, follow Indivisible's guidance: Knowing we have two Senators who will never support filibuster reform or Voting Rights legislation, click here for a script to call the White House and urge the President to keep the pressure up on Senators Manchin and Sinema. Breaking the logjam on the filibuster is essential to the voting rights guarantees our country needs. If you want some extra ideas on how to make this case, Dan Rather has a few. No one believed Obama's Affordable Care Act was going to pass - until it did. This issue is not over yet.

Vote & Help GOTV for Duval Special Election

If you vote by mail, your ballot for the final stage of our Special Election for At-Large member of Jacksonville City Council is either in your hands or on its way to you. Vote and send it back promptly (instructions here if you need them.)! If you have progressive friends who aren't registered to vote, urge them to register here until January 24. Early voting will be February 12-20; election day February 22. Less than 13% of Duval voters went to the polls in December to select these two candidates. We can do much better in the February finale.

To strengthen the hand of progressives on City Council, please do what you can to promote Tracye Polson's victory.

Thursday, January 20 - Legislative Briefing Zoom

Join members of BAM and Mandarin Indivisible this Thursday night for an overview on the critical issues at stake in this year's legislative session and tips on how you can track and influence bills from speakers Lanelle Philmon, President of the Jacksonville League of Women Voters, Judy Sheklin of Jacksonville NOW, and Dr. Nancy Staats of Doctors Fighting Covid. Finally, Tracye Polson will join us with a brief update on her campaign for At-Large Duval Council Seat, Group #3.

Click hereto register for the event and submit questions for our speakers.

Tallahassee Advocacy Made Easy

To stay abreast of the action in Tallahassee, sign up for the UUJF's email Action Alerts. The two items below come from them:

  • On Tuesday, Jan 18, the House Public Integrity & Elections Committee will hold hearings on HJR 1127, an effort to limit the kinds of issues citizens' initiatives could tackle. Our Rep. Byrd serves on this committee. Click here for a script you can adapt.

  • On Thursday, Jan 20, the Senate Rules Committee holds hearings on SB 280 - a bill that could effectively gut home rule on a range of issues and allow private businesses to quash municipal and county ordinances via lawsuits. Our Senator Bean is on this committee. Click here for a script you can adapt.

Calling All Members - BAM Needs You!

2022 is a pivotal year many reasons: national midterms that could change the balance of power in the US Congress, state and local redistricting that will influence our political outcomes for the next decade, a busy Florida legislative session and a host of races we care deeply about. What will make the difference at all levels is the willingness of ordinary citizens to put time, energy and passion into working for the values we believe in.

BAM's Board is all volunteer and always looking for fresh ideas and new energy. Whether you're interested in learning more about serving on the BAM Board, or simply have ideas to share about specific events or activities, please email us. We particularly need people with experience in social media and communications, but all skills and interests are welcome.

Save the Date - January 29 - Burgers on the Beach!

On Saturday, January 29, the Beaches Democratic Club is holding a fundraiser, picnic & Candidate Meet & Greet at Hanna Park from 1-4 pm. Bring a side dish, and enjoy a day at the beach with Donna Deegan, Josh Hicks, Tracye Polson and like-minded neighbors. Click here to register.

Join us Thursday on Zoom for Legislative Briefing

and bring a friend!

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