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Action Alert - August 22, 2022

Writer's picture: beachesactivistmovbeachesactivistmov

"If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." Plato

Monday, August 22 - GOTV Rally with Val Demings

Chief Val Demings is returning to her roots and hosting a 'Hometown Girl Primary Get-Out-The-Vote Rally here in Jacksonville tonight at 410 Broad St from 7-8:30 PM. Come hear directly from this dedicated public servant running to replace 'Little Marco.” Click here to register.

Tuesday, 8/23 - PRIMARY ELECTION DAY!!

If you're one of the many voters who only likes to vote on Election Day, your time has come! The polls will be open tomorrow from 7 AM - 7 PM. Recent redistricting has changed voting locations for many Duval voters. To confirm your Election Day polling place, click here. For information on the candidates & issues, check out BAM’s Midterm Voter Guide. And be sure to take along a current photo ID and proof of signature.

If you got a vote-by-mail ballot but haven't turned it in, you can ONLY do that at the Supervisor of Elections' office, 105 E. Monroe St, JAX from 7am-7pm. There will NOT be drop-boxes at your local polling place. If you already voted by mail, you can confirm your vote's been counted here.

And if you've missed sign-waving so far this year, the Elizabeth Andersen campaign is still looking for volunteers to create excitement at the polls tomorrow. Click here to choose a time & location. And if you need signs to wave, email us.

Thursday, 8/25 - WEN General Meeting 7-9 PM

BAM is 1 of more than 20 groups who are part of the Wen Elections Network (WEN), a coalition of Duval-based progressive groups trying to share information, learn from each other, and deepen our ties as we all work to register, educate, and energize like-minded voters and deepen Duval's Blue in this critical election year.

To learn more about some of the groups involved and the work they are doing, join Thursday's Zoom gathering. Two BAM Board members will talk about the work our group is doing. Other speakers will include Dr. Tameka Hobbs, Executive Director of the A. Phillip Randolph Institute for Law, Race, Social Justice and Economic Policy at Edward Waters University, and Pastor Reginald Gundy, whose Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church has an enviable track record of promoting Black voter turn-out in Duval. Click here to join the zoom.

Saturday, August 27 - Val Demings Jacksonville Reception - 5-7 PM

This week offers another opportunity to meet and hear from Congresswoman Val Demings - a Jacksonville native hoping to unseat Senator Marco Rubio (and preserve or increase Democratic control of the US Senate.) The event will be held at Deercreek Country Club. Click here to register or make a donation.

Sunday, August 28 - Josh Hicks Meet & Greet in Atlantic Beach - 6-7:30 PM

Joshua Hicks is running for Jacksonville City Council At-Large Group 2. While that election won’t take place until next year, it’s not too soon to get to know Josh and his plans for creating a stronger, fairer Jacksonville. Click here to attend or donate.

Tuesday, August 30 - Abortion in Florida: Ask the Experts Webinar

Many of us rallied to express our outrage over the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, eliminating national protection for women's right to make their own healthcare decisions. With Florida politicians now proposing to undercut our state's constitutional privacy protections and further restrict abortion rights here, it's important to know as much as possible about this issue.

Join a webinar on abortion access in Florida, featuring 4 practicing physicians and the CEO of an abortion clinic in Jacksonville. The speakers will give an overview of the Roe and Dobbs decisions, then focus on the current situation in Florida, providing practical information and insight, along with links to trusted resources for those interested in learning more or getting more involved.

Click here to register & submit questions to the panel. Expect to receive a meeting link approximately 2 days before the event.

Save the Date! September 15 @ 6:30 PM BAM Meet the Candidates Night

We have all missed meeting in person at Adele Grage. So mark your calendars now and plan to attend BAM's first physical gathering in many months. We'll have a Q&A Forum with all 3 candidates for Atlantic Beach Mayor, and tables where we can meet & gather information on the candidates for Atlantic Beach Commission and Neptune Beach Council seats.

We're still issuing invitations & ironing out details. But don't miss this chance to see old BAM friends, make new ones, and get to know our local political hopefuls. Plan to join us at 6:30 at Adele Grage Community Center on Thursday, September 15 - and bring a neighbor.

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And make sure all your friends & family VOTE!

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